-Car decorations and home decorations! We need help! 10 pairs of hands better than a couple.
-Ruoc dau...those who will be carrying the stuff! Groom side/bride side
-Church, readers: I'm thinking it would be nice for Phuong and I to do the readings, but would also be nice to have a close aunt/uncle or friend do the readings too.
-Program and Script for MC's
-Have entertainment organized and time slotted
-Song list for the DJ
-Finalizing on accessory decorations
-Assistance for the florals, gift graciously given by Aunt Jenny - thank you so much!
-My dear MOH is helping me with the pastries - thanks babe!
-A floor map of tables at reception hall.
-A list of ladies that will be at reception table
-A list of male ushers to assist guests to tables.
We'll be giving the ushers the alphabetized guest list, as well as the table number guest list so they can familiarize with the setting of the tables. So happy I have a large family, and great friends supporting and assisting with all these things to do. I almost feel like its one of those productions I used to put together with my friends in our teenage, young adult times.
Let's get some photos from the actual wedding (and honeymoon?) up on this website!