We are down to 3 months and 4 days. Its crunch time. Either we can be stressed out and start having panic attacks, or we can handle things one day at a time. Sometimes take a day off or two to breathe and remember: 'A Wedding is a Day, A Marriage is a lifetime,' as they said in our Engaged Encounters weekend course.
Its good to just breathe..... and remember why I love Phuong so much. I remember when I first met him, I was thinking: score! Brains and Brawn ;) And I don't have to wear crazy 4-5 inch heels anymore, he's perfect for me. He makes me laugh. We see eye to eye on most things. We support each other in everything we do. We motivate each other when times get tough. We are there for each other good & bad.
One of our favorite past times is biking. He got me a cruiser bike, after I fell in love with the one we rented at one of the bike rental stores. Though, I don't get to ride my bike as much here in BC as he rides his bike when he was in LA. Most people know, Vancouver has similar weather to Seattle. We have about 2-3 months of sunny weather in the summer! The rest is rain, and lots of clouds - but heck, I still love BC.
How nice would it be to go bike riding together again. The few times that we do get to see each other, I cherish our bike ride adventures at Belmont shore, the Long Beach bike path, and Stanley Park seawall. He currently lives near Lake Michigan, so I look forward to continuing our bike ride cruising there; when we're finally together.
love this post (and your attitude), betty!